Bug when uploading theme
Hi guys, I was trying to redo my website yesterday, so I wanted to install the theme anew. I deleted the old one and tried to upload it, but I keep getting this error:
Warning: Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=724420 in /home/marke266/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1868
I know it is because of the package size, and I cannot change that on my hosting plan unfortunately. But can you let me know if this error does anything? The theme still downloaded, but I am scared something is broken and I cannot find out what the 1868 is i've looked everywhere.
this is the first time when we see such warning but we are sure it has nothing to do about the theme. As you can see above, the path does not link to BeTheme at all so we think that you need to resolve it with your web developer or hosting provider.