Demo websites admin access


Is it possible to access the admin areas of the website demos. It would be useful to see what settings have been used on certain sections of different demos to help re create something similar.



  • Hi,

    yes, it is possible. You can create additional Wordpress instances on your server (under sub-domain or sub-folder) where you can import demos you like and then you can learn how some things were done in back-end.
  • If for example I like sections from 10 different demos, that's a lot of additional WordPress installs. Is there not a way you can provide users with read only access to the back end of the demos?

    Is there a way to quickly delete import demo content and add new demo content rather than having a seperate install for every demo?
  • Sorry but we do not have such possibility unfortunately. However, you can remove data using Wordpress Reset plugin. But please remember that this plugin removes all data, like: pages, posts, settings, etc. Your Wordpress would be again as clear as after first installation. So basically, you can work on one extra Wordpress instance and clear it's content using WP Reset plugin.
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