Background checking color
in Fonts
Which parameter is responsible for all background checking colors?
All my fonts are white. I would like to have different checking color then white.

All my fonts are white. I would like to have different checking color then white.

as far as we know, this color comes from browser. If you will send us link to page where you would like to change this color, we will see if it's possible.
Only, on my website is white
All of them are white
I would like to change this hover color, as well.
I don't know how?
Because even I change font color, background covers all text.
It happens only on my website regardless of which web browser I use.
It works as I wanted. It would be nice to put these options into Betheme settings.
Yet one thing. Here is white hover color:
How to change this white hover effect to another one?
Thank you.
We can close this case.
How to change hover color on buttons?
For example, on a main page, at the bottom of the scrolled page there is a button.
I would like to change its hover color.