After update and regenerate images issue

edited November 2016 in Other

after an Theme Update I have green boxes at a blog page that I wanna remove because I am not using "featured image". 

Hier you can see: 

This is: 

/* Image frame */
.image_frame, .wp-caption { border-width: 1px; border-color: #124500 !important; padding: 2px; }

I need to remove the image frame/ featured image from the pages: Galerie and Projekte

After all I uploaded my pictures and using Wordpress gallery. I used Force Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin. But now all pictures looking ugly. It doesn't matter if I use size thumbnail, medium, full or anything else. The pics aren't crop to a square thumbnail. And it doesn't matter if I delete all images and upload the same pics again. Is there a CSS Code that I can use that the pics square to (for example) 250x250px without having unsharp pictures. With Dashboard => Settings=> Media it isn't possible. 

Here you can see: 

I will upload different images with different orientation. 

Can you help me with that? 


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