Transparent To Color Fill Button Support

edited November 2016 in Shortcodes
Hey All,

I'm a big fan of the buttons with transparent backgrounds and a colored border that fill with color once rolled over as shown on this page: Could someone please point me in the right direction as to how I would set this up? I'm not totally sure what my shortcode should look like. Any and all help is appreciated, thanks!


  • Hi,

    buttons style can be changed under Theme options > Global > General section.
  • Thank you for your help, however the styling has caused some issues. When updating my button colors to make them appear as desired it also ended up coloring my testimonial slider buttons and back to top button. I would like to have the testimonial slider buttons function exactly the same as the other 'See How We Work' buttons instead of the arrows appearing black when scrolled over as they do now. Also, I would like to simply color the back to top arrow white with a transparent background/no border. Let me know if this is possible and where I would have to adjust. Thanks again!
  • Please send us link to page where testimonials and back to to button has changed the way you don't like it.
  • Ok, thanks. As we can see, the buttons has changed properly and this is how all buttons supposed to look like. So the only thing we may recommend is to change it's colors with the following css:
    .testimonials_slider a.button:hover, .testimonials_slider { background: #FFF !important; }
    .testimonials_slider a.button:hover .button_icon i, .testimonials_slider a.button.button_theme:hover .button_icon i { color: #FFF !important; }
    .footer-copy-center #Footer .footer_copy a#back_to_top i { color: #FFF !important; background: #E2E2E2 !important; }
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