Wrong Button Link on 404 Page


I have WP installed in subfolder >> public_html/wp1

Via .htaccess it is confiruged to work as the site is in the root folder.
So if you go to http://mysite.com it will show the page, but if go to http://mysite.com/wp1 it doesnt work.

But, when theme generates the 404 page, the button on this page links to mysite.com/wp1, which is wrong.
Meanwhile in WP settings>general I had pointed that the site's homepage is mysite.com without /wp1, but theme's System Status shows next:
- Home URL - mysite.com
- Site URL - mysite.com/wp1

I thing there is a mistake in some kind of theme options, how to fix that, that the button on 404 page would point to .com without subfolder?


  • Hi,

    the button on 404 page is always linking to HOME url and this couldn't be changed unfortunately. We will consider this as an option while future updates but not sure if this could be even made.

  • Hi,

    I dont know why you so pessimistic about possibility to integrate such a function to theme options page,
    It needs just to change variable <site_url> in 404.php template. Even you can just point that variable to Site Address instead of WordPress Address (settings>>general) and everything will be fine.
    (I'm still sure that it is pointed improperly in development process of theme, simply nobody thought of it).

    PS. To everybody who suffer such a problem:
    You can just make some changes into 404.php template, just do this:
    change this line >> href="<?php echo site_url(); ?>"
    to this >> href="/"

    The weakness of this method is that if you update the theme, you'll need to do this operation again.
  • BTW
    the button on 404 page is always linking to HOME url

    My HOME URL is ***.com without /wp1
    And my WP installation is ***.com/wp1

  • We are not pessimistic at all. And like we told you above, we may consider it when we will get more requests about it and when we finish features and fixes that currently await in queue. Please understand that we can not add any feature you just want because lot’s of users uses poor hosting services and more options/features means higher server requirements.
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