Translation of Betheme - shop child
Hi I bought Betheme but I think it's quite difficult to handle this...
I have tried all the ways I could find. I followed your instructions found in:
but nothing seems to help. I want show my site ONLY IN SWEDISH, I don't want to buy WPML. I have already upploaded the sv_SV.po and to theme child, and even updates the fucntions.php with the suggestion
function child_theme_slug_setup() {
load_child_theme_textdomain( 'parent-theme-slug', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'child_theme_slug_setup' );
But NADA..... Why is it to diffult to manage that?
Please take a look af and you will see nice english words in "Produc categories", etc...
Best regards
I have tried all the ways I could find. I followed your instructions found in:
but nothing seems to help. I want show my site ONLY IN SWEDISH, I don't want to buy WPML. I have already upploaded the sv_SV.po and to theme child, and even updates the fucntions.php with the suggestion
function child_theme_slug_setup() {
load_child_theme_textdomain( 'parent-theme-slug', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'child_theme_slug_setup' );
But NADA..... Why is it to diffult to manage that?
Please take a look af and you will see nice english words in "Produc categories", etc...

Best regards
we have no idea where did you read that these instructions are our but they are not. Since new version of WordPress arrived, all you need to do is upload right .mo and .po files and change language under Settings > General section, where Site Language drop-down field at the bottom is. Fore details about installing own language into WordPress please visit
2. The Wordpress site languages IS set Swedish, SV)
3. The .po and .mo are upploaded.
4. Before I installed Betheme I tested Storefront and this theme shows in correct Swedish, but after installing Betheme I can not get the Swedish back. Still "Products categories", "Shopping cart", "View Carte" are in English...
5. Please help me to solve this. It's not funny to pay a lot of money and then get things that are difficult to manage correctly. I have read a lot of articles and spent a lot of time on this, but still I can not find a solution... Please see the side bar Cart at Thanks!
Of course we can have a look on it if you will send us FTP and WP dashboard access but if this won't be anything related to theme, it would cost because in reference to Item Support Policy, such customization are not included. We did checked .mo/.po translations already on our end and everything works fine of course what means that you must did something wrong on your end.
In reference to your request about WooCommerce translation, BeTheme has nothing to this part and if you want to translate WooCommerce stuff, please visit