Adding Microdata shcema markup to contact/hours box ?

Could not find my other discussion for this but I am trying to add micro data for contact information in the contact box. 

The spot for html works fine but when I try and wrap the microdata span code in the phone field box it renders out code on the site.

Anyway to suggest future update to auto wrap this important markup around the phone , email, web areas of the contact item in muffin builder?

Here is the code..
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="telephone">314 367 7200</span>

Just used this to generate

I am managing this company's directories and heard it was pretty important to have this markup on the site so google can read it and cross reference it with local directories. This works down to business hours and forms of payment. Would be cool to have this auto wrapped when using the hours and contact widgets in muffin builder.

Thanks Scott


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