Use Builder - SEO in WP


 when the muffin builder makes the text contents visible, how can not you edit with Yoast? 
 How do you know if the text search engines are suitable?

Too bad the under Muffin Builder the texts are not visible at Yoast, would make nevertheless a lot easier.


  • Hi,

    it is not like that Muffin Builder text is not visible for Yoast but Yoast plugin, does not see other text than from default WP editor and we do not have any impact on it unfortunately.

    Anyway, if you use Muffin Builder and you want the content be visible for Yoast, all you need to do is use Builder >> SEO option to transfer Muffin Builder content into WP editor. After that, please do not forget to click "Hide the Content" option below. After that, the content of WP editor would be visible for Yoast only and it wouldn't be visible for search engines. Bots will see only the content of Muffin Builder and this content is read like any other simple html site.

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