Book Now Button On Menu or Action Bar


I have a request from client to add a button for "Book Now" on the Action bar or the Menu. It has to be prominent and attract attention. 

I looked at your themes variations and saw the button similar to what I am looking for on the :
The green button that says "Buy Now" is exactly what I am looking for. I would also want it to stay when it is seen on a mobile view.

Is the button on the menu the only option? Can I add another bar on top or below the slider with this call to action and a button that stays even in mobile view?

I am just not sure how to go about it.

The website in question is:

I will have to reduce the amount of buttons on the menu to add the "book now" button but I will figure that out with customer. I had already used the link option on the action bar but as you can see it is not standing out as much as they want.

I would basically be grateful if you let me know how to make the button on the eco theme work for me.

Is it CSS?? Not sure.

Any help would be appreciated.



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