Masonry Flat Portfolio image croped
Hi there,
Can you tell me how to avoid having crop image in mansonry Flat protfolio look ?
Only the featured images set to "wide" are not croped. Défault, big, tall are croped with black on it...
Can you tell me how to avoid having crop image in mansonry Flat protfolio look ?
Only the featured images set to "wide" are not croped. Défault, big, tall are croped with black on it...

you can disable cropping under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Feature Image section but we can not guarantee that it would look good for the Masonry Flat portfolio layout.
Any recommandation about the size in pixel for featured images ? How do you make your mansonary flat look great ? Any tips or advice or css code?
Thank you very much!
Any idea, as i asked can you telle me the recommended size for the feature image in portfolio so it can fit without resize or cropping ?
Any other idea or do you want to have acces ?
my site :
@csitcom To unify images, you need to upload images that are same size or even proportions. more things can you simply advise me on the right size for the featured image on portfolio so it can fit properly ? in term of pixel please what do you use ?
2.And for square defaut size for mansonary flat portfolio is there a way to have it full frame and not croped ? with an easy css code to paste ?
Again thank you great theme!
1. On our demo, we used the images that are 1200x938px but other sizes supposed to work as well. You just need to test own sizes.
2. To make them full screen, you need to set up FULL WIDTH NO MARGIN style for the section where these portfolio items are.
2. i was saying in there "frame" it doesn't seem possible...