WP/LR Plugin Support

Dear support team, I posted this request ob Themeforrest already but I think it was a bit unclear what I'm really looking for: I’m using Lightroom to manage my images and there is an awesome Lightroom/Wordpress connector which is also capable of managing categories.

Would you do me a favor and check the developer’s website that was set up specifically for theme-developers and tell me if your theme is set up already as described and could potentially already being used as described there.

The page can be found here: https://meowapps.com/wplr-sync/for-themes-developers/

Thanks and cheers,



  • Hi,

    we did check it already and what you are simply asking for, requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer.

  • Hi again,

    So you tell me that it's not allowed but I should ask a developer to do it? Sorry for my bad English, but I don't understand it: What the plugin-developer was asking for was access to the code so he can adapt his plugin to make it work with your theme. Noone wanted to change the code of your plugin.

    I guess if he can manage his plugin to work with your theme it would make your theme more attractive. And the best: You would just need to provide your theme for testing-purposes.

    Any chance to get a snapshot of the current version of your theme (I could even send it to the developer as I don't use my theme-license right now, but I'm not sure if this is fine with you).

    Best regards,

  • So if plugin developer would like to adapt his tool with BeTheme, you need to give him access to your FTP probably so he can log-in, check the code and adapt what you need. We think that this is how it works.
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