Divider Color
your theme use two type of divider colours.
First - when you set themecolor as "1" (line color the same as the theme color)
And my question - how to change color of divider in second case?
your theme use two type of divider colours.
First - when you set themecolor as "1" (line color the same as the theme color)
Line color the same as the theme color
Line color the same as the theme color
Line color the same as the theme color
Line color the same as the theme color
Second - when you set themecolor as "0" (grey color of divider)And my question - how to change color of divider in second case?
in second case, you need to change divider color with custom css. If you send us link to page where you would like to change it's color, we will show you how to do this.