Centralize content inside the item

How do I centralize content inside the item?

I have 3 trailer box, with size 1/4 and I want them to be centered horizontally.
See the example:



  • edited January 2017

    if you used 3 items with 1/4 size, then there is no way to center such content because Placeholder item does not exist in 1/8 size.
  • I have one line with 3 itens and above other line with 4 itens.
    So everyone should have the same format.

    So, for this i need use 1/4 because the width format.

    Or it's possible determinate the max width size for the trailer box?

  • So maybe the items in first line you should set 1/4 if you have 4 of them and in second 1/3 size if you have 3. Please notice that we do not have any other solution to center 3 items with 1/4 size.
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