PrettyPhoto – Show image alt text above prettyPhoto frame

Hello together,

unfortunately i need to show image alt text above prettyPhoto frame. It works if i click on the picture, but when i click on the Slide Bottom with the magnifying glass, the titel is not there.

Why is that? Thanks for your answer


  • Hi,

    we are sorry but we do not have an option to display alt text the way you need it.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • But what is the difference. It works fine on the hover over the picture, but not on the Slidebottom.


  • Send us 2 links then: to page where it works and where it doesn't.
  • edited January 2017
    Ok, sorry for my bad english. Here is a Link.

    Clicking on the pichture directly the lightbox opens correct with the text above the prettyphoto frame, just like i would like to have.

    Clicking on the SlideButton, the button which appears, slides in ( the section with the magnifying glass) the lightbox opens without the text above the prettyphoto frame.

    Why is that so? Is it possible to have the text always above the prettyphoto frame?
  • Ok, we can see what you mean now but this is like that because this alt tag is assigned to picture and it is not possible to assign same alt to the button. And because the prettyphoto is reading the alt of the images only, there is no solution to make it possible for the button. If you want, you can remove this button with the following css:
    .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links { display: none !important; }
  • Ok I understand.
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