Sticky Menu height

hey. I am using following custom CSS: { height: 75px; }

but it only affects my main page. not my portfolio pages or impressum.



  • Hi,

    please add !important declaration to above css and move it into the first line of custom css and check.
  • edited January 2017
    it worked, thanks. but now my settings for the height, width and position of the menu-line don't work anymore.

    thats the complete css now: { height: 75px; } !important .menu > li > a, .menu > li > a span { line-height: 45px; } #logo img { min-height: 75px; } !important .menu > li > a::after {
        height: 1px  !important;
        top: 58px !important;
        left: 10% !important;
        width: 80% !important;
  • Sorry but we don't get it right now. What settings and where does not work now?
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