Build Our Team content like the example

Hello, today
I tried to build an „our team“ Content according to your example on .
More specifically, I mean the example with Jason
Collins directly under the heading "We are workaholics". You will find my try under . Could you please give me the necessary hints and
style tips to get my Content like yours?


  • Hi,

    to get the same item, you need to use Our Team List item instead and also you need to change general style of theme from SIMPLE to DEFAULT under Theme options > Global > General section.
  • Okay, that already looks much better, but how can I adjust the white frame to the image? And how do I get the quote behind the text instead of under the Mail and facebook links?
  • What exactly you want to do with the iframe and quotes?
  • I fixed the problem with the quotes. But the white frame (iFrame) around the Picture is not flush with the edge of the picture (in all variants shown) How can I fix it?

    You find all the variants i tried at:
  • Adittionaly to the frame problem above, i want to minimize the size of the picturw. Do you have a hint therefore too?
  • Your images are simply not big enough and that's why does not fill frame. So the only thing you can do is remove those frames with the following css:
    .team .image_frame { border: 0 !important; }
    But if you want to decease images size, you need to use below css instead:
    .team .image_frame { width: 50% !important; }
    .team.team_horizontal .image_frame { width: 40% !important; }
  • Thanks for yout tips. For your Information:

    I have reached my goal by using the following CSS code:

    .team .image_frame { width: 200px !important; }

    Therefore the width of the Image is 200px.

    After that i sortet the elements with:

    .one-fourth.column{width: 15% !important;}
    .one-second.column {width: 60% !important; }

    Best Regards!

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