Cant access demo templates

I can't access the demo templates through the standard dashboard route. Importing the XML doesn't appear to import anything like the demo templates.

Hosting provider sent this through.

Our servers have a loopback prohibition in place, which is likely to be the cause of this. This means that a script cannot call another script on the same site, and is in place for security purposes.

The only way round it is to get the source script to access the script via the direct server path (so instead of '', it would need to use '/home/sites/')

any advice?


  • Hi,

    loopback is necessary if you want to import all complete demo (settings, options, images, menus, widgets, etc). For this we use wp_remote_get() function which is a default WP function. However, if you will send us complete access to the WP dashboard and FTP where you have a problem with demo import thru contact form on the right at, we will check your server configuration and check if there is anything we can do to change this.

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