Issue with demo import after saving changes

I wrote to you thrue but no answer and i wrote to you on facebook page no answer aswell, so i decided to write here in forum and hope for help.
Our Support just expired 1or 2 days ago but i wrote to you before that.

I bought a wordpress theme BeTheme and i uploaded the theme

And there is a demo called (notebook) so you can upload it and do the changes on it .

Link to Demo theme i uploaded.(

The issue i found on this demo is when i go to Pages for edit of “Home” Front Page and press UPDATE button

Then the last posts on the sites dissapear and the backround color dissapear on that post.
I cant neither add a new item becouse it disapear after pressin UPDATE button top right corner.
Check image before & after pressing update

When i upload theme and import BeTheme Demo Data it looks like this

AFTER i press update button the DC Be Power / headphones pic and text dissapear and blu section with text “why whait? preorder available now! +23…….”

Link to my site:
This is how it looks like after i pressed update button on startpage without doing any changes on site.


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