Issue with demo import after saving changes
I wrote to you thrue but no answer and i wrote to you on facebook page no answer aswell, so i decided to write here in forum and hope for help.
Our Support just expired 1or 2 days ago but i wrote to you before that.
I bought a wordpress theme BeTheme and i uploaded the theme
And there is a demo called (notebook) so you can upload it and do the changes on it .
Link to Demo theme i uploaded.(
The issue i found on this demo is when i go to Pages for edit of “Home” Front Page and press UPDATE button
Then the last posts on the sites dissapear and the backround color dissapear on that post.
I cant neither add a new item becouse it disapear after pressin UPDATE button top right corner.
Check image before & after pressing update
When i upload theme and import BeTheme Demo Data it looks like this
AFTER i press update button the DC Be Power / headphones pic and text dissapear and blu section with text “why whait? preorder available now! +23…….”
Link to my site:
This is how it looks like after i pressed update button on startpage without doing any changes on site.
I wrote to you thrue but no answer and i wrote to you on facebook page no answer aswell, so i decided to write here in forum and hope for help.
Our Support just expired 1or 2 days ago but i wrote to you before that.
I bought a wordpress theme BeTheme and i uploaded the theme
And there is a demo called (notebook) so you can upload it and do the changes on it .
Link to Demo theme i uploaded.(
The issue i found on this demo is when i go to Pages for edit of “Home” Front Page and press UPDATE button
Then the last posts on the sites dissapear and the backround color dissapear on that post.
I cant neither add a new item becouse it disapear after pressin UPDATE button top right corner.
Check image before & after pressing update
When i upload theme and import BeTheme Demo Data it looks like this
AFTER i press update button the DC Be Power / headphones pic and text dissapear and blu section with text “why whait? preorder available now! +23…….”
Link to my site:
This is how it looks like after i pressed update button on startpage without doing any changes on site.
this looks like you are unable to save the content only because of the limits on your server side. More details about that you can read in the following topic