I have used digital demo data on my site but there is a font problem. Some of letters (e.g. i) don't seem in my page. What is this reason and solution?
which fonts does not work? We checked your site on several different computers using different browsers and didn't found anything unusual. Fonts works the same in all browsers.
Maven Pro font is not work on my site. I can not see "i" and "İ" letters. It is not only for me. I have checked with 6 computers. It never works with google chrome browser. :-q
Ok, we found it in different Chrome version and as we can see, the problem might be related that you use custom font instead of Google font and because this font exists as Google font what you can see http://pasteboard.co/skVKDWDWN.png, fonts might overwrite themselves. So please remove custom font and select is as a Google Font and check.
I have deleted my custom font and tried. It is not ok. And then I have deleted betheme on my site and then I have deleted wordpress on my site. I uploaded all of them again but it is not working still.
I feel very upset. (
Please help me for solve this problem. ^:)^
I love Maven Pro font and I want to use that on my site.
There is no need to be upset because this has nothing to do with the theme itself and if you send us necessary FTP and dashboard access, we will prove it. All details need to be sent thru contact form on the right at https://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact
which fonts does not work? We checked your site on several different computers using different browsers and didn't found anything unusual. Fonts works the same in all browsers.