Problem with wp_remote_get() on BeTheme Import Demo Data page
I just installed the BeTheme and when I go to "BeTheme Import Demo Data" page I get this error:
WordPress function wp_remote_get() test failed. Looks like your server is not fully compatible with WordPress. Contact your hosting provider.
Error: cURL error 51: Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate.
Error: cURL error 51: Unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate.
I talked to my hosting provider and they already tried to solve the problem but the problem does not depend on them.
They said that your theme have to install a valid SSL certificate for servers so they can communicate with each other.
Please help me to solve this error.
we can not agree with your host unfortunately but if you think the problem is with ssl communication, then maybe you need to try verification method as it was described on
However, if this won't work, you can send us FTP and WP dashboard access privately thru contact form on the right at and we will prove it has nothing to do with the BeTheme itself.