Form and menus not shows in paty demo theme
I bought Betheme and installed The Party theme with all the attachments. I experience two big problems:
1.- The main menu is not shown. I have created a menu and managed it to appear, but I can not see. It appears only if I manually write the adress of the sample-page like then and only then I can see the menu BUT not from the main page where the fire works is showm on the slide.
2. No form is shown. beneath I see only this text: [mc4wp_form]
I'm sorry not to be able to show the site but it is under construction mode and you only will see the Underconstrucion page. I can not make it public due the fact that there is no navegation-menu from the main page...
Best regards
I bought Betheme and installed The Party theme with all the attachments. I experience two big problems:
1.- The main menu is not shown. I have created a menu and managed it to appear, but I can not see. It appears only if I manually write the adress of the sample-page like then and only then I can see the menu BUT not from the main page where the fire works is showm on the slide.
2. No form is shown. beneath I see only this text: [mc4wp_form]
I'm sorry not to be able to show the site but it is under construction mode and you only will see the Underconstrucion page. I can not make it public due the fact that there is no navegation-menu from the main page...

Best regards
if you can not make your site public, then there is no sense of posting questions here. Please use contact form on the right at instead and provide us necessary access so we can log-in and check.
I have sent you the l´the login for (theme Party) by privat message.
The site is now public. Still no menues (not foms either) are shown...
I tryied everything but, nada...:(
I have to create some links for navegation instead, but this is no good. I would like to have the menues shown. Please help me. Thank you!
Best regards