Navigation Menu not opening Tabs


We're experiencing an issue with the Tabs shortcode. We've created a Unique ID in the Tab editor to allow access to the Tab content from our main navigation menu, which correctly functions only when the content is accessed from a different page.

For example, while we're on the "Contact" page, we can click the "SubService1" link from the navigation menu and be directed to the correct page and appropriate Tab's embedded content anchor. However, while on the "Service" page, which is where the Tabs are located, the same navigation menu doesn't function. The Tabs, themselves, work fine, but there seems to be an issue with the anchor function in this case. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for how to correct the issue.

We appreciate your assistance.


  • Hey,

    unfortunately we do not have anything what allow you to open right tab within navigation menu. Those 2 features (one page menu & tabs id's) are not compatible each other. It is only possible to open right tab when you come to page from other page around the same website.

    Thanks for understanding!
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