i Purchase the themes, but i only need one themes,don't know how too install
hi i Purchase the themes, but i only need this themes
and i don;t konw how too only install this themes, i try to import the demo data, is ok, but i don't see the theme code about the "herbal" themes,and it notice me Revolution Slider Error: Slider with alias herbal not found.
Is there any tutorial that will guide me on how to install the theme I want?
you got this message, because you didn’t watched our instructional video. Slider Revolution is external plugin and it’s content can not be imported automatically with the demo import so you need to import it separately. More details about slider import you can read on http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/15/how-to-import-revolution-slider-into-be-theme and directly in slider’s https://www.themepunch.com/revslider-doc/first-steps/#manageslider