Layer Slider Covering Boxes

edited February 2017 in Theme support
On I have layer Slider installed and the 3 boxes i used padding to move up 200px, for some reason Layer Slider is covering the box. You can see it when you first land on the page and when you refresh. I have had this happen before, but ended up not using layer slider. On this case i need to use it. Can you help?



  • Hi,

    please set z-index: 9999 !important; for the wrap element where you set margin-top of -150px and it would look the way you want.
  • I tried to add that z-index: 9999 !important; with the ; and without to Custom | Classes
    on all 3 areas, the wrap, the add item and the column box. Did i miss something. the 150px move up is on the Add item level.. 
  • But you did it wrong. Custom | Class is a field for class names not for custom css. So in that field, you should set custom class name and then in reference to this class name, write custom css under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section.
  • I am sorry i dont understand, i named it topwrap in the Custom | Class and then under custom CSS what do i need to do..?
  • ok so i named it in the Class top wrap and then i sent to Custom CSS & JS 

    .top-wrap { z-index: 9999 !important; }

    Still did not work
  • got it.. thanks.. i had to name the class top-wrap then go to Custom CSS & JS

    .top-wrap { z-index: 9999 !important; }
  • I went to

    and it explained what i did wrong on custom css classes. 

    Custom CSS classes(type your own class for a section - this is a useful option for those who want to create a special style for a section). For example: you can type my-own-super-section class and then go to BeTheme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS and write your own styles for this class:

    .my-own-super-section {margin: 30px; padding: 20px; font-size: 15px; etc... }

    If you want to use multiple classes separate them with a SPACE. We have one built-in class for this section which is named dark. Use it if you want to have a dark background.

    thanks again.. 

  • Yes, this is how it supposed to look like. We are very happy to know that you sorted if on your own :)
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