Both Muffin Builder and Visual Composer not working


I recently received an email from a client after I built out and launches their the evening everything was showing up on the homepage perfectly. By morning items were missing. I went into their backend to check it out (keep in mind that no one touched any of the settings at any point in time from when it was working to when it stopped...) and when I go to edit the page both the Muffin Builder AND the Visual Composer aren't loading...HELP!

I can send the WP link if you need to take a look at it...

Thank you! The sooner I can get this resolved the better!


  • Hi,

    Because you faced with such a weird issue, which we believe has nothing to with the BeTheme itself, we recommend the following steps:

    1. Please go to your FTP account where theme is, remove whole theme folder and then upload the latest version thru FTP as well. Please make sure that all the files were copied correctly.

    2. Remove all 3rd party plugins (including cache of course). Please also make sure that all files were copied correctly.

    3. Make sure, there is no additional cache stuff on server side.

    Hope these steps would help you a lot.

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