Remove gap below menu and above first section

I am messing around with the "Yoga" demo and imported the content Ok although the rev slider used in the the demo didn't come in and I couldn't see in the Muffin Builder layout where the slider was situated.
I have add a new slider but no matter what I do there is a gap under the menu and above the slider (which is the first element in the muffin builder layout). I have checked the slide in case the image wasn't high enough but that doesn't help. 

I am sure that it is something simple that I am missing but can't see it. Obviously it can be done as the demo has the image up under the menu.


  • Hi,

    You have to edit your front page and then scroll down under the muffin builder. There you will find a Media section where you can select your slider. The demo does not come with the prebuild slider, you have to import your slider in revolution slider. You can find the tutorial here

  • thanks for your response. I have now sorted the gap issue. 
    I did try and import one of the free slider templates using the "local" option but nowhere in the Betheme folder on my PC is there a folder called "example-zips" I have searched all folders and even opened sub zip folders but I do not have this folder.
    I have even downloaded the latest version of the theme with all files in case I missed it.
    Can you please advise re this issue?
  • Sorry but we don't know what "examples-zip" you mean. All pre-made sliders are located under /slider-revolution-demo/ folder and to get this folder, you need to download complete package from Themeforest.
  • "example-zips is referred to on the link/tutorial that you provided in your first post. It is towards the end of the tutorial.

    I see the folder now. I was looking in the files from my update download and they are not there so had to go back to the original download
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