Submenu options

Hi, I'm missing a lot of submenu option in this theme. Is there any way i can make my submenu 100% page with?

Kind regards.


  • Hi,
    Yes you can make this kind of menu using mega menu. Read more here
  • Hi Muffin support,

    It seems my question isn't received clearly as you can see in the image the menu already exists except that my page is set to 100% width and i still have a margin next to the submenu's on the left and right side. I want them to go to the edge of my screen. 

    Are there also any options to permanently show the submenu on a defined page? Maybe i overlooked. 

    I think this theme could benefit a lot if a menu feature like that would be awesome to include.

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Kind regards.

  • The mega menu shows only as wide as the menu is. You cannot do this.
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