How do I import slides for Slider Revolution?

edited March 2017 in Revolution Slider
Using BEtheme child config
First of all is it Slider Revolution (like it says on the theme) or is it Revolution Slider ( like you reference on this site)
When you import slides nothing imports. So where are the slide files located. I am trying to import slides but when you try to do this using the import feature from within Slider Revolution it prompts you for local or online. If I select local I have no idea where the files are. If I select online I get all of that Activate crap which doesn't apply to bundles! So where are the files and why is this such a pain in the ass!?
You know you imply how easy this theme is to use but it is far from that! I use themes because I am trying to save time and money but I end up spending so much time dissecting your theme and making it work I am defeating the purpose of purchasing your theme. Anyway I digress.
How do I import the slides?


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