Change menu text color for transparent Menu

Hi there,

I am having a transparent menu on a Black video, so I want to have the text in white for my "régular menu" but to keep it how I set it for minimalist menu.

Can you give me the CSS code for make the text white only in the normal menu ?



  • Hi,

    Could you please provide us with a link to your page? Also try to attach a screenshot, and more detailed info would be appreciated.

  • hello the link is :

    If you go to the website this is pretty obvious :)

  • and now that it is online there is a gap at the bottom between the footer and the map how can we remove it with css please ?

  • Hi, Please address the errors you are getting in the console first, there are so many that the debuger stop the page and you cannot do anything.
  • humm this is weird I don't get any error on my system with firefox or Chrome ?

    Can you help me on this one ? I am not a Dev guy, I am just using WP + your theme and some plugin...
  • edited March 2017
    Use this css
    1. #Top_bar .menu > li > a, #Top_bar #menu ul li.submenu .menu-toggle {
      color: red;
    Change the red color to any you want.
  • edited March 2017
    thanks for the css code but it keeps the white color when the sticky header happears..

    I was talking about "minimalist menu" wrong wording sorry.

    I want the regular menu to be white but i want the color for the menu to be black for the sticky menu so people can see it (because sticky header is with white background and "ragular" menu background is black)

    Can you provide a css code just to change white only in regular menu and not in the sticky menu also ?

    Sorry for the wrong/bad explanations...

    1. #Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) .menu > li > a, #Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) #menu ul li.submenu .menu-toggle {
      color: red;
  • great it works thank you very much!

    Last question we have lost the color when the cursor roll over the text in the regular menu, evrything is the color we choose, any chance to keep the hyperlink color on roll over with an other CSS code ?

  • Oh yes:)
    Use this css aswell
    1. #Top_bar:not(.is-sticky) .menu > li > a:hover {
      color: #e27726 !important;
  • Thank you very much for the help evrything is working like charm :)

    Love the theme love the team ! Great work !
  • yeah great,
    it works for me too
    i like be theme 
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