Gallery low resolution

Hi _ I am testing out the B&W theme for a client, and the gallery on the front page is doing something weird. We have gone from 4 columns with 16 images down to 6 images in 2 columns. but they are appearing very low rez... we have the original image at 320x320px, but it appears like a low rez thumbnail which has been blown up...
I cant find where to change the settings on the gallery...?


  • Hi,
    To change the size of the images please navigate to theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image
    There set the desired image size. Remember to read the notice at the bottom of the page regarding thumbnail regeneration. The thumbnails are set to 150px, that is why it is so pixelated.

  • that doesn't seem to work... I changed them to 320px x 320px on the Featured Image section as you suggested - because that is the size on a full size screen. but on a full size screen, even after I regenerate thumbnails the images are still really low rez.
    they look good on a mobile! Why is the gallery only showing a thumbnail? when I click on any image, it opens a lightbox which displays a higher rez pic... I cant work out where to change what image it is displaying...
    or should I be making the original image 3 times bigger (960x960px) so when it is thumbnailed it displays decently...?
  • If the original image is 320px how coult it possibly display on a large screen not pixelated.
  • ??
    if you click on the images on that front page, a lightbox opens and shows the correct image - the colour version of the black and white thumbnail which is currently visible on the home page. that image is 320px x 320px. it isnt low rez. the colour version is fine - the black and white image showing is rubbish...
  • these images are 150px by 150px not 320px.
    Set the correct vaules in theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image and force regenerate thumbnails.
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