Gallery low resolution
Hi _ I am testing out the B&W theme for a client, and the gallery on the front page is doing something weird. We have gone from 4 columns with 16 images down to 6 images in 2 columns. but they are appearing very low rez... we have the original image at 320x320px, but it appears like a low rez thumbnail which has been blown up...
I cant find where to change the settings on the gallery...?
they look good on a mobile! Why is the gallery only showing a thumbnail? when I click on any image, it opens a lightbox which displays a higher rez pic... I cant work out where to change what image it is displaying...
or should I be making the original image 3 times bigger (960x960px) so when it is thumbnailed it displays decently...?
Set the correct vaules in theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image and force regenerate thumbnails.