Blog Teaser thumbnails not aligned

edited April 2017 in BeBuilder
Good evening everyone,
I have a problem with the component "teaser blog". As you can see from the photo thumbnails of the photos are not aligned. I would like my client, when inserting images (of any size), are adjusted automatically, and correctly aligned.

Thank you very much


  • Hi,
    please go theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image and set the size of the thumbnails. Remember that the size setting must be smaller or the same as the image sizes.
    THen use thumbnail regeneration. There is a link on the bottom of the page.
  • even changing the size of the photo the problem remains. I wish the big picture and the two thumbnails on the right prove all aligned automatically. To make you understand better what I mean, I attach another screenshot (the yellow outline indicates that the frame has to be all aligned).
  • I forgot the screenshot..sorry:
  • I undesratnd what you mean. Are the original images bigger than the one in the grid? Because if they are smaller it will not work. Also some plugins may cause this, please disable all plugins and try again.
    And send a link not a screenshot.
  • the problem it also does with the original template.Per plugin be sure I disabled two plugins.
    The link of the test site is this:
    By changing the size of the situation does not change. Change the largest image size, but the two side miniatures are not aligned.
  • Try to add another picture, for testing. A picture that is bigger that the image on the blog teaser.
  • I have the same problem if you put more photos. My client that will manage the website, when adding a picture the system should be able to resize any pictures automatically!
    You can add some css rule to solve this problem?
  • If the photo he pastes is smaller (in size) than the one presented on the page it will not cropp it, please understand this already. There is no css rule because it is generated by Javascript.
  • ok now is ok.

    Thank you very much
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