phonecall on click
i'm wondering if there's a shortcode, that can add the "phonecall on click" ability from the muffinbilder contactbox on a random text? Just like making an custom hyperlink for the email-adress, without using any prebuilt box.
I like my own layout, and the contactbox doesn't look good in it.
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I've added the contactbox, because i wanted to see, if the phoneapp works. It would be great, if i could use this ability on my custom typography.
greetings, Bartosz
You can use a custom hyperlink like this:
<a href="tel:111111111">Call me</a>
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">Mail me</a>
You can also use our buttons, just paste the "tel:111111" in the link field
i've added two Buttons which will appear by visiting the page using a mobile phone. It looks really good, but i had to arrange them one upon the other, because on a mobile phone the biggest blocksize is always 1/12.
Is there any chance to arrange them side by side?
Greetings Bartosz