wrap limit

are there  some limit to wrap row of page with muffin builder?
I just increse memory input limit and var, like I read into other discussion, but not working 12 row . This is my system stauts:
Home URL:

[?] http://new.fisiomedbrindisi.it
Site URL: [?] http://new.fisiomedbrindisi.it
WP Version: [?] 4.7.4
WP Multisite: [?]
WP Memory Limit: [?] 2 GB
WP Debug Mode: [?]
Language: [?] it_IT

Server Environment
Server Info: [?] Apache
PHP Version: [?] 5.6.30
PHP Post Max Size: [?] 64 MB
PHP Time Limit: [?] 600
PHP Max Input Vars: [?] 80000
SUHOSIN Installed: [?]
MySQL Version: [?]
Max Upload Size: [?] 64 MB
Default Timezone is UTC: [?]
fsockopen/cURL: [?]

DOMDocument: [?]

Remote Get: [?]


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