Parent theme/Child theme


I want to update my theme to the latest Betheme without losing any of the current customisations on the theme. 

I read about creating a child theme to preserve all customisations against current and future updates but not exactly sure how to do that.
Also I downloaded the Beyond Compare 4 to synchronize the two files but didn't quite get how to do that - should old be updated into new or new be updated into old. 

I need help to carry out the theme update seamlessly. I am not a delveoper. Also is there any need to work on  the SEO and Speed Optimisations or the Betheme already has these embedded in the new update?. On Google PageSpeed different attributes are highlighted to be fixed to improve website loading Speed. 

Thank you for prompt response


  • Hi,

    the child theme can be installed exactly the same way as parent theme. More details about this you can read on
    You will not lose any data, because all of the data is stored in the database and the child theme uses the same database as the parent theme. You would have to only set up the sidebars again as the widgets will reset in the child theme. 
    Betheme has SEO but the theme is optimized and the only thing you could do is to optimize the images and install a cache plugin when you end the development.
  • I am currently dealing with the same issue of establishing my child theme. 

    i have gotten to the point of creating it and configuring all the styles from the menus as I did with the parent theme previously. The child theme folder contains nothing but a style.css containing no style definitions yet, only a reference to the parent theme, and a screenshot for the theme overview page. So now my website is using the child theme and all looks good. 

    However, as soon as I upload a functions.php into the child-theme folder, a great number pages appear with empty bodies, even in the admin-backend, where e.g. edit.php and post.php produce empty pages. The functions.php file contains only one function returning a string that I use in the footer to display a custom copyright message. 

    I have seen manuals to child themes of other themes, where the file functions.php should also declare usages of the parent styles such as this:

    /* Include the parent theme style.css

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );

    Now, the catch here is, that betheme does not use the standard structure, putting the file style.css into the theme's root folder (at least no referencable one) but into the separate subfolder css, which seems to be the culprit. 

    How do I reference the parent style correctly in functions.php?

    Thank you and cheers,

    The actual problem was not the content of functions.php, but its encoding.

    I had edited the file with Notepad++ and saved it in UTF-8 format. Then I uploaded it with WinSCP to my webspace.

    After trying all different sorts of combinations with my functions.php empty or not, I -just out of curiostiy- changed the encoding to ANSI (CP1251) and -tadaaa- there was a hidden invisible character in the very first position in the file. After deleting this and saving the file back, everything got back to working again.

    Who knew! :-)


    Child Theme has been created and website working perfectly. All thanks to the Child Theme Configuration plugin and its 5-star Support Team . Now I will update the parent theme with the latest update. Thanks.

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