Change Heading on Custom Elements (VC)

Hello Betheme

For SEO purposes I need
to alter the code for specific custom elements you're theme provided, by
hard-coding a change to the type of heading they appear as. If possible could
you please tell me the file structure for these elements I'd greatly
appreciate it. The elements are: 

Icon Box (Title is a h4)

Trailer Box (Title is a

Any assistance would be appreciated!
Thank you.


  • Hi,
    Sorry, but we do not support direct file changes.
    If you are using Visual composer we will be not able to help. If you want to use the muffin builder, these items can be modified here: functions/theme-shortcodes.php
    Please know that any modifications you make to the files are your resposibillity.
    thank you
  • Understood: if I may make a suggestion for a future update would be to change those settings so they could be customizable: as having these types of Heading Tags isn't ideal for SEO purposes. 
  • Ok, but we could only do that for our builder items, we do not have any control over a plugin like visual composer.
  • Understood.
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