need a password protected subpage
I need a password protected subpage.
With password protection in WordPress the semitransparent split menu is above the password input. The layout prevents password input.
How can I show the password display 200px lower?
I also tried plugins:
Wp-member Plugin and other member plugins do not work with Be Theme!
(In other Themes they work)
workaround for Designchanging neads childtheme...
//Passwordform ändern
function custom_password_prompt($content) {
$before = 'Dieser Inhalt ist passwortgeschützt. Um ihn anzuschauen, gib dein Passwort bitte unten ein:';
$after = '</br></br></br></br></br>Dieser Inhalt ist passwortgeschützt. Um ihn anzuschauen, gib dein Passwort bitte unten ein:';
$content = str_replace($before, $after, $content);
return $content;
add_filter('the_password_form', 'custom_password_prompt');
Solution for plugins like wp-members ( would be the better choice. I nead a Login Log, member pages and more...
So I can not use the theme for a pay site area.
So no Suport for plugins but help with the theme is needed