Animation in the line and on-scroll animation
I need to do 2 things:
I need to do 2 things:
1. Make the animation in the line from left element to right. I use 3 How it works blocks in the line. I made the names for them Step 1 (left), Step 2 (center) and Step 3 (right). I want to make the animation on-scroll not for all at once, but first for Step 1, then for Step 2, then for Step 3. How can I achieve this? It might be achieved with help of some delays or something like that, but I can not find such options.
2. I need to repeat the animation during scrolling the page. Not only show for the first on-scroll event, but every time (without refreshing the page) when user scrolls to this block I want to show an animation to him again.
If it is not possible with help of Muffin builder, then give me the hint how to do this with help of custom code or plugin please.
Thank you!
Sorry but the delay and the duration of the animation is not possible.