Have different menu for a calendar categorie event


Is it possible to chose witch menu we want to show in a event ? Let say it a categorie football event and in those categorie i would like to use the menu or layout of Football and not the default one ?



  • Hi,
    we do not think so, we do not interfere with the plugin, we just make it work with our theme. Please adresss those questions to the plugin author.
    we have an option to use custom menus, just edit the page and select a custom menu from the page options: http://prntscr.com/fkerma
  • Yes i know that option. But when you open an event it use the default menu i just wanned to know if you could set event to your menu.

    I did ask the plugin authour and they refer to you.

    so it is good both team a playing yoyo. i will figure it out
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