Custom Social Media Icons in Footer

I am trying to get the houzz social media icon to show up in the footer social icons widget. 


I added it to the Theme Options hoping it would show up in the widgets. Am I doing something wrong?



  • Hi,
    this does not work this way. You can only pick from our custom icons, and set a link. No external plugins or icons can be set.
  • Ahh darn... 

    Another question.

    I am trying to get this page to be full-width with the vertical align set to middle. 

    Right now I have the section style set to Equal Height of Wraps and align set to middle. (The page has the awkward large white space to right and left of the image/copy.)

    Is there a solution to get rid of all the negative white space on the right and left of the image/copy or a different way to set up the page?

    The page is here:

    Hopefully you can help,

  • imageHere is a screenshot of what I am talking about
  • Hey,
    just add a full-width custom class to the section, like this:
  • That worked perfectly for the left and right padding. How do I get rid of the gap in the middle? After inspecting the code, looks like it might be some padding around the container?
  • I am following up about this. Making the class to full-width got rid of the padding on the sides. How to I now get rid of that middle padding between the pictures. (See the picture above) I want them to connect at the corners.
  • Try adding those 3 classes to it:
    no-margin-h no-margin-v full-width
  • edited July 2017
    That worked perfectly!

    I notice now that when this page gets responsive the wraps stack on top of each other from left to right. I have a checkered layout (first row: text, image, second, row: image text third row: text, image)

    Is there an easy way to make the responsive stack: text, image, text image, text image. 

    This is how is appears now
  • No sorry, we do not have controll over it. The HTML would have to be structured diffrently
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