column background opacity


can you please help me and tell me how to adjust the background color opacity/transparency in a column element? For example to get a transparent grey od maybe even change the opacity of a background image. I guess I'd need some cutom css for the column element.
Thank you:)


  • Hi,
    Please explain in more detail (links, screenshots) what are you trying to acomplish.
    Also send a link to your page.
  • Hi,

    here is my domain:
    On the front page you see a box (text column) which says "news: our concert with...". For this Box I'd like to have a grey backgroundcolor slightly transparent instead of the picture I chose.

  • Ok, thanks. To change opacity for that column, you need to set class name for that column, like opacity-column and then in reference to this class name, use custom css under BeTheme Options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section:
    .opacity-column { opacity: 0.8 !important; }
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