Membership Service

Hello guys, I one of your happiest users. I want to tell you your theme is awesome... but you know what? Your theme is perfect to develop a membership or subscription site for web developers like me. You can offer a developer version of the theme, meaning that web devs are able to use it in unlimited client websites and also receiving tech support for a recurrent fee (every month, semester or year). You could even have different levels of membership, with different range of privilegies. Really, I think you have a golden opportunity to create a recurrent income business model with your awesome Be Theme. You should go for it!

Have a great day! 


  • Hi,

    we are sorry but we do not have any plans to offer anything like "unlimited" license for developers. in reference to Themeforest license and agreements, once purchased license can be used for one site/domain only. If you want to use this theme for few sites, then you must buy as many licenses as many sites you want to build. This applies to all themes on this marketplace and there is no other license available for sale.
  • Thanks, I am sorry you don't see my point. It is the way we do sites for now. The customer buy the license and we build the site for them. But, I repeat, I am sorry you don't see my point, cause it is on your best interest. I guess you are only an employee, (may be). 
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