Hight of the footer

edited June 2017 in Other
Hi Team,

There's a gap as showed in the following image, where can I config it? The gap make the footer and Copyright area separated and it doesnt look nice. My site is www.oodecor.com.

BTW, how can I remove the scroll bar of the Facebook like page (the rectangle red box)? It looks not nice either.

Many thanks!



  • Hi,

    to remove bottom padding of widgets, you need to use the following css:
    #Footer .widgets_wrapper { padding-bottom: 0 !important; }
    However, the scroll you ask for, is being rendered by browser itself and this has nothing to with the theme.
  • Hi,

    I'm not a coder so I don't know where I can add the css line code into, could you guide more details.

    For the scroll, I got it. Thank you.

  • Hi,
    you can paste this code in theme options>custom css&js>css
  • Hi,

    It works well, thank you so much.

    BTW, it doesnt relate to this thread but I need your support for the following enquiry:

    - This is my HOME page with "Splash" slider and below is "Column" short code => It's OK

    - Below is ABOUT page with "Home builder" slider, under it is "Column" shortcode => There's a gap and the "Home builder" slider's height is not as high as the "Splash", therefore it look not nice as on mobile. Could you tell me how to config it, or show me the slider's documentation then I can study it.


    Many thanks.
    Hoang Kien
  • This is because the first section has a padding-top set to 80px, edit the section and lower the padding.

  • I solved it well, thank you so muc.
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