How can I change Quick Fact number and title colours?
I am working on a website and I finished pretty much everything. Then, I made an edit where I changed a section's background color to red. I was using red as the main color for the website and as soon as I did the change for the section I had to change the color of what's inside because they weren't visible anymore. I needed to have custom colors for this section only; the objective is to change the Quick Fact's title and number colors. First I tried changing the color of the number from by going to Be Theme Options -> Colors -> Shortcodes -> Quick Fact Number Color. Unfortunately, that didn't work. My next guess was to go for Custom CSS; I went to Be Theme Options -> Custom CSS & JS and added the following:
I am working on a website and I finished pretty much everything. Then, I made an edit where I changed a section's background color to red. I was using red as the main color for the website and as soon as I did the change for the section I had to change the color of what's inside because they weren't visible anymore. I needed to have custom colors for this section only; the objective is to change the Quick Fact's title and number colors. First I tried changing the color of the number from by going to Be Theme Options -> Colors -> Shortcodes -> Quick Fact Number Color. Unfortunately, that didn't work. My next guess was to go for Custom CSS; I went to Be Theme Options -> Custom CSS & JS and added the following:
.WhiteStuff {
body {
color: white;
After that, I proceeded to add "WhiteStuff" to Custom | Classes for the section that is to have this styling. That too did not work. I then added "WhiteStuff" to each Quick Fact's Custom | Classes and also ended up going nowhere. Can you please let me know how I am to change these? I can gladly email a screenshot if it helps understand the issue.
Please suggest how I can make quick fact number
in white colour
You can use this css
I've changed the number, but can't locate the quick fact title to change the colour. Can you tell me what code to use to change that too please.
it's ok, I've figured it out.