Embedding Video from S3

I keep my videos on S3 for security and lower cost of storage/bandwidth. This is a LARGE video and uploading to my site is not an option (costs of bandwidth too much). I can embed a video with the [embed] tags in Wordpress.

I tried using this in the Muffin Builder and it does not work. Why? Is there a way to get this to work?

This works fine in Wordpress - so should easily work in a "column" item using your builder, but it does not. 


  • For clarity, the [embed] tag apparently does not work when you use a column. Should work - as the column should read like HTML on the page when it renders.
  • Hi,
    you can use our shortcode or builder item called video, more info here:
  • Yes, I have seen that and tried it. How would I add a link to the S3 video? Please read my question again - I want to be able to use an S3 video which needs to use a URL.

    It says on that page it only lets you add YouTube, Vimeo or upload to your site, which I specifically stated above I could not do any of these three. I must specifically use S3. So where would I put the S3 link?
    1. [video_embed video="62954028" parameters="" mp4="" ogv="" placeholder="" html5_parameters="" width="700" height="400"]
  • edited July 2017
    Pu the link in mp4 attribute and that seemed to work. You can still download the video from the page, wish your feature had secure (blocked r-click on video).
  • This is the only solution we have, there is no either way.
    Right click block does not secure anything, you can still download it very easily.
  • OK thanks, this is very helpful though so we can load the mp4 and add the URL, that is good and it worked. Thank you for your help as always!! Best theme out there by far.
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