403 Forbidden
Hi there,
I have build my site, but I am experiencing serious problems with downloading the site, specially in FireFox. First I thought it was just something that goes away, but getting that more often now.Theme seems to loses the css every now and then, then when refreshing, comes a message:
403 Forbidden
Request forbidden by administrative rules.
I have use your Event theme demo. I have the newest version, just updated that, no help to the problem.
I haven't used any of your BeThemes before....Have anyone else experienced this? Problem seems to be connected to the Theme anyway.
I haven't used any of your BeThemes before....Have anyone else experienced this? Problem seems to be connected to the Theme anyway.
I am using the muffin builder.
Site have enough space.I have used same hosting for other sites, so hosting shouldn't be problem.
Site is very small, only 7 pages and I have nothing special on the pages.
Site is very small, only 7 pages and I have nothing special on the pages.
I have moved the css from the php to .css, but it didn't improve. What could I do, cant give client a site that brakes....
If needed, I can email details of the site.
this problem is completely not related with theme but with your server settings. In this case you must contact with hosting administrator because looks like your server is strongly limited.