Visual Composer does not publish changes

When I try to edit anything in the visual builder used to build the site I get redirected back to the posts page and none of the changes are made when I click update.  Looking at the event logs I see this error "Warning: Illegal string offset ‘content’ in /home/stlouis/www/www/wp-content/plugins/js_composer/include/classes/editors/class-vc-frontend-editor.php on line 908
" There is a typo on my site at the moment and I need that corrected as soon as possible. What do I need to do to make this happen. I also cannot update the Visual Composer Plugin, please help me resolve these issues as soon as possible. 


  • Hello,
    please remove the plugin completly, update the theme to the newest version and install the plugin again.
    If this does not help, try to disable other plugins, they may cause it to malfunction.
  • If I  do this all of the content on my site will disappear as Visual Composer was used to create the site!
  • Can the file class-vc-frontend-editor.php just be replaced to fix the error on line 908?
  • How do I activate the copy of visual composer since it is included in the BeTheme that was purchased?
  • The content of the plugin will not dissapear if you remove the plugin. Just make shure you do not change the content that is left over. If you are not sure please make a backup of the website, you never know what could go wrong.
    The plugins you buy with the theme are not premium plugins, if you want instant updates you have to buy the plugins separaetly.

  • I don't know that I need an instant update unless that means that the plugin isn't able to be updated at all. 
  • What do you mean?
    you can update the budled plugin from betheme>install plugins
    If the newest version is not avaliable yet, please wait for it. The plugins you buy with the theme are not premium plugins, if you want instant updates you have to buy the plugins separaetly.
  • edited December 2017
    I am having this same problem, no changes in the FrontEnd editor for WPBaKery (premium) take effect and all work is lost. I do have the latest BeTheme (20.7.6) installed and am working on its child (1.6.1). I really like the WPBakery interface much better than the Muffin Builder, Can I just turn the Muffin Builder off in my BeTheme to eliminate this conflict?
  • I see from WP Forum that the problem I am having is also arising from a number of other themes with the WPBakery Plugin, which apparently is in conflict with a number of other plugins, and thus in most likely case has nothing to do with BeTheme.  However, I still remain interested in knowing whether hte Muffing Page Builder can be turned off. Thanks.
  • HI,
    it can be turned off in theme options>global>advanced, under 'builder visibility'
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