Portfolio Category colour

Can you tell me please how to change the colour of the category links ? I'm using artist theme for http://georgie.gtate.co.uk/wordpress/ and as you can see the portfolio categories using masonry minimal are too faint


  • Hello.
    We always help our best customers:)
    Please use this custom css, 
    1. #Filters .filters_wrapper ul li a {color:blue !important;}
  • Many thanks for that. AS you may be able to see I'm now using your theme for all my new websites and have happy customers !    :-)

    I do however have another problem with this same site: everything was working fine until I introduced a new category "Ceramic", and now the portfolio function isn't working. When you click on the category links they sometimes work, but  often show nothing or only one or two of the portfolio items, and when I click on page 2 of Ceramic the navigation doesn't work properly.
  • We are happy that BeTheme is working for you and your clients.
    About the portfolios, you have 'load more' enabled and JQuery filtering.
    When you enable JQuery filtering you have to:
    1. Set the number of portfolios shown to a bigger number so they all show on one page.
    2. Pagination will also not work with JQuery filtering.

    Please go to theme options>blog, portfolio&shop>portfolio and set the number to very high.
  • Thank you for your rapid and helpful response. Portfolio functions now working perfectly. Can you tell me how to change CF7  form text ? I can change form background using custom css or via colors>forms, but can't change the text color from grey see: http://georgie.gtate.co.uk/wordpress/contact/
  • also on same page I'd like to change the color of the icons in the Contact box to white so they are visible ? 

  • You can set all the form colors thru theme options>colors>forms
    The icons in the contact box can be easily changed by editing the section and setting the section style to dark.
  • As above I did try using the optons>colors>forms but whilst that changes the bg color to blue correctly, the 'Your name' etc text is still grey.

    I changed the section style to 'dark' but as you can see it made no difference to the contact box icons. On top of that I wanted the background to be the atists painting as on other pages, and by adding a different section I've now lost that.
  • The same grey is used for the responsive mobile menu links when you click the 3 bars. When you mouse over it changes to white which is visible, but the grey link color doesn't show up against the blue background. Can you tell me how to change this please ?
  • So you mean the placeholders for the contact from, not the actual text that you type?
    This css will solve your problems
    1. .get_in_touch ul li .icon {

      color: white !important;
      input::placeholder, textarea::placeholder {
      color:blue !important;
  • That's great, thank you. Just leaves the responsive mobile links when you click the 3 bars as above ?
  • Do you mean the hamburger menu?
    You can change that color in theme options>colors>menu
  • Perfect, good support keeps customers like me coming back for more !
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