Changes aren't being saved/Published.

The site was build on one domain, and exported using the 'Duplicator - By Snap Creek' plugin to export the website to a different domain.
Once on the new domain I ran into some problems which weren't there before.

A lot of changes I try to make can't be saved. 

Let's say I'm adding a section, element or wrap, I can make a change in the Muffin Builder.
Once I hit 'Update', the page looks like it's updating, and I even get the 'Page Updated' message at the top of the screen. When I scroll down to look at the Muffin Builder section the changes are gone as if it wasn't saved.

Here's where it gets weird. 
* Changes to text can be updated without problem.
* Adding new sections, elements or wraps isn't possible.
* Sometimes cloning items does work.

How can this be explained? And more important, how can this be fixed?

Unfortunately the site on which this happens isn't live yet (still on a different domain), so I can't post a link. However, the site on which it was build can be reached at


  • Hi,

    please go to your FTP, create php file with phpinfo() function inside and send us link to that file privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at so we can have a look on your server settings. The problem is probably related to limits but to be sure which one is the reason, we need that link. For more details about file creation, please visit

    1. If you are chatting with support via email please do not post here.
    2. Attach your license key and the wordpress admin login credentials.

  • edited December 2017
    So I import the website into a different domain.

    The website on the original domain can still be changed without any errors.
    The website on the new domain however does import the website correctly, but it's impossible to add or change anything without any unwanted changes to take place. Sometimes the site even publishes changes when I press 'Preview changes', and it randomly seems to be removing specific sections when I hit preview changes or publish.

    * Changes to text can be updated without problem.
    * Adding new sections, elements or wraps isn't possible.
    * Sometimes cloning items does work.

    So if this problem is limits related, why does the website work on on the original domain without a problem, but does it malfunction once it's been imported to a new domain?
  • Please create the phpinfo file and send it to us like we asked in the message above. We will tell what is wrong then.
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