Using the standard Muffin Builder instead of the Visual Composer
Hey Guys,
i had already started to build up my website by using the standard installed Muffin Builder 3. Later on, I installed the Visual Composer Plugin for using the FrontEnd Builder. After installing the plugin, I noticed, that I can not change my previously created parts of my website. The part on my BackEnd where I could place the Parts before is just empty. You can understand my problem?
Now I am searching for a solution, because it has to be possible, to endit my created parts and to not only creat new parts with the Visual Composer. Maybe I have to install the the Muffin Builder again? I dont know.
sorry but you cannot edit the muffin builder content in visual composer and vice versa.
The muffin builder is built-in you cannot deactivate it. Please disable the plugins and check again.
Maybe you have just closed the page-option tabs and you do not see the muffin builder.
Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.